Monday, 23 September 2013

Proper Spelling Pays

Board games brand Scrabble recently launched a campaign in Paris where it set up WiFi hotspots in areas that didn’t have WIFI.
For every correct spelling that locals made playing Scrabble on their phone, they received a free minute of internet access.
110,000 minutes of free WIFI were given away in the campaign’s three week period.Here’s a video.

Some Cool Work

Molson Canadian Beer Fridge

Molson Canadian Beer partnered with Rethink to create the Canadian beer fridge. The fridge was placed around several European countries, but only someone with a Canadian passport could open it. One a Canadian is found and their passport scanned, the Molson Canadian beer inside can be shared amongst the natives – promoting the important brand heritage amongst both Canadians and those overseas. Clever stuff.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Why Facebook Timeline Will Be Huge For Brands

When Facebook unveiled Timeline last week, many users were struck by the idea of humanizing your profile by summarizing your life and connections.

Timeline may have a similar effect on brands as well. In fact, the brand benefits of Timeline could be huge, and will let companies tell a more engaging and authentic story. This is one reason (beyond the 800 million active users) that brands should be celebrating the new changes to Facebook even if the network hasn’t yet confirmed that brand pages will employ Timeline.

Compared to the current Facebook brand page (which only allows the profile picture and five thumbnails to be customized, hiding photo albums and tagged photos beneath the Wall), Timeline unlocks new possibilities for branding, raising awareness and creativity. The “Cover,” an 849 by 312 pixel image spanning the top of your profile, can be changed at any time and is major real estate for a brand — perfect for a product shot or promotion push. In addition, brands could call out important photos on the Timeline by clicking a star on the post that expands the photo to widescreen.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Changes in Technology and Behaviour and the Impact of Change on Digital on Food Lovers - thoughts following Neil Perkin's Video

Listening to Neil Perkin's video on the impact of digital on behaviours got me thinking - how was digital affected my second love in live - Food? See below for a brief overview of 4 trends I've established as a result of digital influence on food and food lovers. Do you agree?

- Letting good food live beyond the plate
- Provenance and Seasonality
- Exploration
- Quality

Monday, 16 September 2013

How have social platforms changed behaviour? What I learnt from Andy Sandoz

Having just got through the video by Andy Sandoz, founder of Work Club - it got me thinking how Social Platforms have changed by personal behaviour?..

In hindsight, the most impactful change Social Media has made was the way it shaped my University experience. It made it easier to socialise, meet people and organise work meetings. It also made me lazy to make an effort with people...

  • Instead of visiting the library as a work group to get through projects together, chat based Platforms such as Facebook made it easier to work collaboratively remotely, 
  • Instead of asking for a ladies' number at a bar, getting a 'Facebook name' and 'picking this up later' was the easier option
  • Instead of sending an organised email, i'd blurt out 'what was on my mind' in a organised work related forum

It also meant I was more connected to those around me and able to work in real time rather than in a pre-organised linear fashion..

What was I using? The below captures it nicely:

Exploring Butter in Poland

Exploring Butter in Poland

Having spent the last two days in Warsaw; I took some time out one morning to visit three popular BSM selling retailers in the nearby area (one hypermarket, one medium sized retailer and one small). 

What struck us immediately was the sheer size and depth of products available to consumers. The pictures above should give you an indication of the many brands, product varieties and butter types available. We were told on various occasions how important bread and butter is in most Polish households.
Some brands had greater shelf presence than others, and below I attach some images of brands that commanded the most space. Spreads such as Delma (the spread with the largest market share in Poland) and Masimix (an extremely affordable and popular margarine) enjoy great eye-level shelf positioning with the most dedicated space to catch consumer eyes.

Some margarines can also used for general cooking as well as baking. In such cases, the packing is usually functional and offers rather crude and suggestive serving suggestions as a way of attracting consumers to purchase. Below we’ve tried to capture a few of the biggest players in this area:

In the smallest of the three shops we visited, we saw on two instances some interesting point of sale comms. Both applied to lower priced brands, in both the margarine block and mix categories.

Hopefully this will give you a small insight into the way BSM products are arranged in Polish stores. 

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

The beginning of Squared Online

Enrolling onto the Squared Online learning course is no joke - 6 months comprised of 2 evening classes per week represents a weighty commitment on top of a hectic working schedule. The opportunity to learn from a Company with prestige such as Google however was simply too good to pass on.

I go into the next 6 months with Zero expectations but with optimism that much will become clear to me along the way. With the little that's been covered so far I already realise there's a wealth to get through and not much time to do it!

Digital Marketing can take many shapes/forms. Take the below info graphic for example which looks at the importance of Social Media adoption within the B2B sector:

So, according to the above info graphic found on e-consultancy, B2B marketers say the following digital platforms play an important part in what they do:

  • Social media
  • Articles on Websites
  • eNewsletters
  • Blogs
  • Case Studies
  • Video
And whilst the above might read like a generic splurge of places one can hang out/create content online, I look forward to learning about how elements of the above can create difference for brands/business, both in terms of advocacy and business results too...